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Today in Trends: Beer Popsicles Made with Samurai Swords

During the summertime, quenching thirst is a higher priority than any other bodily function or emotional need; samurai swords are great; everyone loves Push-Up Pops. If only there was some way to capitalize on these three randomly chosen axioms! Cheat sheet of broness UrbanDaddy informs us that, in fact, there is.

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The Hopsicle Experience or simply Hopsicle, served by a Mexican saloon in New York called Diablo Royale Este, consists of a can of Tecate injected with simple syrup and lime juice, fitted with a wooden stick, and frozen for four days, whereupon the top is chopped off with a samurai sword and it is consumed with a popsicle stick. Sounds tasty.


The result is a genuine beer popsicle, which the bartender must saw in half with a serrated steak knife (or samurai sword) to open. Then it’s up to you to push the wooden stick upward to dispense the hopsicle in true Push Pop style, and decide if you want your savory sweet frozen joyride bathed in tequila as well (note: you want this).

What’s great about this idea is that pretty much anyone can do it at home, tweaking the ingredients as necessary; nondrinkers needn’t even use beer. Preemptive warning to gamers: As delicious and functional as energy drink popsicles might sound, they seem like they could be the beginning of a very slippery slope.

(via UrbanDaddy newsletter)

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