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The Best Female Characters in ‘Hunter x Hunter’

Women with individual stories. What a concept.

Canary looking at someone in Hunter x Hunter (2011
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The Hunter x Hunter universe is full of monsters, strange beasts, people with extraordinary abilities, and all sorts of nuanced, interesting women. All with their own personalities, backstories, and capabilities. Which is something you’d hope almost any show you love has. Unfortunately, though, not every anime has female characters that are all individuals. Sometimes women are just props or things to desire in the content we enjoy. Thankfully Hunter x Hunter didn’t follow this trend.

How are they being narrowed down for this article though—how do you pick the best female characters in the show? With carefulness and proper consideration. Since I’ve only watched the anime (for now), I won’t be including anyone beyond season 5 of HxH. Apologies to any ladies that should be on this list. 


(Madhouse and Viz Media)

Having Black characters not be portrayed as stereotypes isn’t too much to ask. Thankfully, Hunter x Hunter allowed Canary to be her own character, and a badass one at that. She’s a strong fighter, an apprentice butler for the Zoldyck family, and also has a soft heart when she needs to. Not to mention she gives off queer vibes around fellow worker, Amane. Having her in this list was a given, even if she doesn’t have a huge role to play. 

Machi Komacine

(Madhouse and Viz Media)

Sometimes, the characters who are seemingly cold and withdrawn still have good hearts. Which is precisely what Machi, a member of The Phantom Troupe, has. She may not have a dramatic arc, but that doesn’t always matter. And her loyalty to her group is an admirable quality. Not to mention she’s a very powerful Nen user, the 6th most powerful in the group. All in all, she makes this list because she doesn’t try to be anything other than herself. She has a grip on who she is and that helps make a great character.


(Madhouse and Viz Media)

Pretty much everyone in the Hunter x Hunter universe has a tragic past. Melody is no different in this department. After hearing the flute solo for the Dark Sonata (or Sonata of Darkness), her appearance changed drastically. But she was given supernatural hearing from the sonata. Her Nen ability is enchanting music. The reason Melody, despite being such a minor character, made this list is partially due to her influence on Kurapika. Without her, he would have completely lost control during his quest to destroy the Phantom Troupe. She also has a soft energy that’s needed in the more hopeless parts of the arc she appears in. 

Biscuit Krueger 

(Madhouse and Viz Media)

Remember how folks have always said that looks can be deceiving? That certainly is the case where Biscuit is concerned. She may look like a sweet child. But she’s actually a very large and muscular 57-year-old woman. Who happens to be a very accomplished hunter and strong Nen user. Women pretending to be sweet, all while being capable of destroying someone, is intriguing to watch. Biscuit also happens to be an important character across several arcs. And she’s a powerful ally to both Gon and Killua, even going so far as helping them become stronger Nen users. 


(Madhouse and Viz Media)

Whether you like her or aren’t really a fan, there’s no denying her significance during the Chimera Ant Arc. The way she helps bring out the humanity in Meruem is something to note. And she’s also a disabled character who isn’t defined by her disability. Whether or not you see her relationship with Meruem as platonic or romantic, her overall presence prevented more chaos.

(featured image credit: Madhouse and Viz Media)

Honorable mentions:

  • Pakunoda
  • Shizuku Murasaki
  • Cheadle Yorkshire

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Vanessa Maki
Vanessa Maki (she/her) is a queer Blerd and contributing writer for The Mary Sue. She first started writing for digital magazines in 2018 and her articles have appeared in Pink Advocate (defunct), The Gay Gaze (defunct), Dread Central and more. She primarily writes about movies, TV, and anime. Efforts to make her stop loving complex/villainous characters or horror as a genre will be futile.

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