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Life Is Strange Fans, Check Out These 5 Games

The remastered edition of Life is Strange was released on February 1, 2022 to mixed reviews. While many were disappointed with some graphical bugs and glitches that took away from the gameplay, most couldn’t deny that it was an enchanting return to one of gaming’s most beloved stories and casts of characters.

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However, if you’re looking to scratch that same itch without having to replay the same games, we gotchu. Here are some games outside the LIS universe that can match Life Is Strange in spirit, design, and all the juicy angst we’ve come to expect.

Dragon Age

(Electronic Arts)

While it might seem strange to compare a grimdark fantasy series with a game about hipster teens with superpowers, these games have a surprising amount in common. Dragon Age is similarly gripping with its plot, with memorable characters that only enhance the drama, and just like LIS, your choices matter above all else.

What’s more, there’s quite a bit of fandom crossover between these games, largely due in part to their wonderful femme and LGBTQ+ representation. Just like in LIS, you can absolutely have a lesbian love affair in Dragon Age. (But thankfully, it doesn’t have to end in tragedy!)

Dreamfall Chapters

(Deep Silver)

As the final entry in the Longest Journey/Dreamfall series, this title is most similar to LIS in gameplay and plot structure. Fluctuating between three playable characters (Zoe Castillo, Kian Alvane, and mysterious wunderkind Saga), Dreamfall forces players to make tough decisions that greatly affect the game world over a span of five chapters.

The world itself is fascinating and full of rich lore and backstory. Newcomers might find themselves delighted, upon finishing this game, to know that there’s even more to discover in the series’ previous games: The Longest Journey, and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey.

The Walking Dead

(Telltale Games)

I would be remiss not to mention one of the most impactful choice-based games, which will always deserve its accolades as a pioneer in game storytelling: Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead. Remember when the first game came out and we all cried at the ending? Yeah. That’s the mark of a good game.

In the event that you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s your cue to go play (or watch) the first The Walking Dead entry and experience the chaos that is the series for yourself. With choices that markedly affect the rest of the series from the get-go, it will surely be an unforgettable experience.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses


Perhaps what sold you on LIS was the school setting and the engrossing, albeit intense narrative of young women standing up to systems of oppression. If that’s the case, Fire Emblem: Three Houses might be an interesting parallel experience, especially since its “sequel” is coming out soon.

Although its anime-ish art style might be off-putting to some, many consider this entry to be the least “Fire-Emblem-y” game in its series, due to its strong slice-of-life elements. Its story is almost operatic in its tragic nature, as the player grows close to their students only to face them in battle years later.

(And yes, in case you’re wondering, you can romance the cool princess above as a woman.)

Persona 5


If Three Houses sounds interesting conceptually, but you don’t want to play as anime knights and wizards, then Persona 5 might be the game for you. Similarly to LIS, the game follows teenagers who are dissatisfied with society and the world around them, and with their newfound powers, they work to undo wrongdoing that they see in their daily lives.

Indeed, the titles have so much in common narratively that it’s a wonder they aren’t compared to each other more often. The main differences are largely related to gameplay, character design, and soundtrack—i.e. instead of indie and folk rock, you’re gonna get a lot of nu-funk and jazz.

Syberia 1 & 2


It’s a crying shame that the Syberia games are so unknown these days. While the point-and-click adventure game has largely become a thing of the past, there was something truly special about Syberia, and for anyone who misses the lady-detective aspect of LIS, this game is absolutely worth checking out.

The series follows a young lawyer named Kate Walker, who initially goes to Europe to oversee a deal regarding an automaton toy factory. But Kate soon discovers that there’s more to this factory and its family than she was initially led to believe, which takes her on a journey across Europe that ultimately becomes a journey of self-discovery and liberation. It’s an unforgettable gaming experience that any young woman would most likely benefit from, especially if LIS had a similar effect on them.

It’s worth mentioning that yes, there is a third game in the series with choice-based gameplay, but it barely even managed to impress diehard fans. Hopefully the fourth game will be a marked improvement.

(featured image: Square Enix)

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Madeline Carpou
Madeline (she/her) is a staff writer with a focus on AANHPI and mixed-race representation. She enjoys covering a wide variety of topics, but her primary beats are music and gaming. Her journey into digital media began in college, primarily regarding audio: in 2018, she started producing her own music, which helped her secure a radio show and co-produce a local history podcast through 2019 and 2020. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz summa cum laude, her focus shifted to digital writing, where she's happy to say her History degree has certainly come in handy! When she's not working, she enjoys taking long walks, playing the guitar, and writing her own little stories (which may or may not ever see the light of day).

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