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15 Best ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Quotes

"Pride and Prejudice" where Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen touch their heads together tenderly with their eyes closed.

Whether you love or dislike the book Pride and Prejudice, there’s no denying that it is still one of the most enduring works of English literature in the world. It is not only iconic and relevant, but it’s deeply embedded in today’s pop culture.

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Whether you’re team 1995 version or 2005 in terms of onscreen adaptations, there are actually more swoon-worthy and slice-of-life reality quotes from the book. Here are the 15 best Pride and Prejudice quotes you should not be sleeping on!

14. “I certainly have not the talent which some people possess, of conversing easily with those I have never seen before.”

This quote is one of the best in the novel as an ode to introverted people globally. Since Mr. Darcy is a painfully introverted character, he is easily misunderstood, but it also shows his sensitivity and willingness to be vulnerable regarding his shortcomings or quiet nature.

13. “Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.”

This quote is a great reminder to us readers not to dwell too much on the past but to move on. Sometimes it’s easy for many of us to get stuck in the past and repeat the bad things that have happened, that we fail to forget the sweet memories, and it is important that we learn from it.

As we move forward, the quote reminds us to only look back on the good times, to help us with our journey ahead and remember what are we doing this for.

12. “Do not be in a hurry, the right man will come at last.”

This quote is one for the books since it may be a relationship or love advice from the 17th century regency England, but it aged like fine wine. In a world of social media and tinder dates, there is a beauty in slow living and following your own pace when everything today is just being handed to you conveniently.

It’s also serves as a reminder to always be on your guard and watch out for red flags like Mr. Wickham. Because you don’t want to end up with Mr. Collins if you can have a Mr. Bingley or Darcy, right?

11. “I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.”

(Focus Features)

We all deserve happiness and all the good things in life. This is one of the best quotes in the novel since it shows that there is no such thing as too much when it comes to life and love.

The right thing, person, or circumstances will always come to you, and for Elizabeth, she may not be normally be seen as “deserving” of becoming a mistress of Pemberley, but still, she got the fairytale ending and the love she always wanted in life. Many times we feel like we don’t deserve all the good things but this quote shows the beauty of being grateful and self aware.

10.”We do not suffer by accident.”

Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. Many times in our lives, we think that our suffering must be fate or caused by divine intervention, but in reality, there’s always a real cause and effect to be found. Many misfortunes happen in the novel but most often it’s a consequence caused by their actions, from Bingley’s easily swayed character to Mr. Wickham’s evil schemes, always after a bad decision.

9. “My good opinion, once lost, is lost for ever.”

Mr. Darcy’s character might be a man of few words, but when he does speak, it is impactful. It is true that when we meet a person and get to know who they really are, our expectations often do not meet reality. This quote also shows how self-righteous and ungracious it can be not to let a person redeem him or herself, but it is a case to case basis, especially if it’s Mr. Wickham we’re talking about.

8. “What are men to rocks and mountains?”

Today, in modern society, many men and women prefer to travel and pursue their life goals and careers rather than settling down in relationships or getting married young.

This quote encapsulates how the outside world is so big and beautiful that it’s in the palm of our hands for us to explore, that people in relationships or are married already failed to experience back in the 16th century. With this line, Elizabeth rejects the focus on finding husbands, instead finding fulfillment in exploring the world for herself.

7. “You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”

Ah yes, one of the swoon-worthy, Bridgerton-like quotes from the book that every hopeless romantic fan will surely love! The authenticity and vulnerability of this quote from Mr. Darcy, as he finally confesses his feelings to Elizabeth.

It’s a simple quote that is jam packed with emotions that can be felt beyond the page. It’s one of the powerful scenes in the novel, when Mr. Darcy finally lets his guard down for love.

6. “It is very often nothing but our own vanity that deceives us.”

(Focus Features)

This quote stands as a turning point for our main characters, finally realizing the vanity of their own self loathing and eventually accepting humility in their lives.

From Elizabeth to Mr. Bingley, we can see just how vanity and pride can get in the way of many things in our lives. It also serves as a great reminder to us readers about the dangers of narcissistic tendencies. Pride comes in many forms, and no matter the situation, too much of it can always be the starting of anyone’s downfall.

5. “Till this moment I never knew myself.”

Another great quote in the book shows the power of being vulnerable and honest. Pride and Prejudice is also a great book for those who are interested in the topic of human psychology.

There are times that we feel like we know everything about ourselves, but sometimes, we can be so limited by our own perceptions that only when other people point out our character flaws shall we know about them since, we are all capable of being self-righteous in a way.

4. “There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”

This quote is highly introspective, and it perfectly describes how Elizabeth Bennett is a strong character. It also shows how self aware she is and how she is not the type of woman that will stand idly when life gets tough or when circumstances are not in her favor, like the time where she refuses Mr. Collins’ proposal or her arguments with Mr. Darcy.

3. “Angry people are not always wise.”

It is true that, when in anger, a person is not always wise and almost always tends to do a lot of impulsive or irrational things. It is very well portrayed, in the story, how destructive rage can be. This quote does not only apply to the characters in Austen’s novel, but it is also a nudge or warning to us, the readers, of how anger can make us accomplish nothing but foolish things out of spite.

2. “But people themselves alter so much that there is something new to be observed in them forever.”

The best thing about this quote is it shows how Jane Austen is a good and observant writer. Nothing in this world is permanent, and as time goes by, people can change just like the seasons. 

There’s a lot of things that can happen in time, and it also shows from the storylines of Pride and Prejudice. Many of the characters in the novel’s lives have changed from the circumstances to their perspectives.

1. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”


Of course, the number one on the list is the famous opening line to the book, and if you’re familiar with Jane Austen’s sarcasm in her writing voice, then you would know how funny and witty this opening line is.

(featured image: Focus Features)

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