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Our Friend Bill Nye Hasn’t Gotten Kicked Off Dancing With The Stars Yet!

Hooray! Let's dress him up like Galileo next week!

Not only did Bill Nye make it to the next round of Dancing With The Stars this week, he also performed a pasadoble to Beethoven’s Fifth while dressed as the composer himself. Not even the disco version, either — the actual fifth symphony. Bold move. We like that.

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The judges were a little nicer this time, too, giving him 17 out of 30. The older British guy even apologized to him for being so mean last week — possibly because there were a whole bunch of Mensa members dressed as nerds in the front row who could, you know, blind him with science or whatever. Yeah, we’re gonna make that joke every chance we get. It’s a great song. Just relax and enjoy.

(via The Mary Sue)

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