New York Times’ Interview With A Robot Gets Awkward, Stays Awkward [Video]
The New York Times recently chose to investigate a new innovation in the remarkably cool world of artificial intelligence, and somehow manage to make it painfully awkward and really grating on the brain. Amy Harmon, New York Times national correspondent who lost some street cred over the course of this segment, sat down with Bina48 to have a little chat.
Bina48 is a robot project of the Terasem Movement Foundation. Situated in a quaint Vermont home, Bina48 is a robot implanted with the thoughts and memories of real person Bina Rothblatt. She is a new step forward in the science of artificial intelligence, though there’s obviously a long way to go.
Apparently, though, Amy Harmon thought we were much farther along in this science than we already are. She admits to going into the interview expecting a seamless, coherent conversation. Needless to say, the computer was not inclined to oblige her. Here is the interview video, complete with hints at robot world domination, threats of strangling, and love of gardening:
(Via BioTV via The Daily What)
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