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Breaking Bad Middle School Musical’s Got Singing and Dancing Drug Dealers [Video]

I am the one who rocks!

It’s a little less than a week until the beginning of the end for Breaking Bad, and filmmakers Rhett and Link decided to commemorate the occasion the only way they knew how: As a middle school musical, complete with a song where a prepubescent Walter White recounts all the ingredients for his “rock candy” a la Pirates of Penzance. 

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Special props go to all the young actors in this awesome video, specially the tiny Hector “Tio” Salamanca who basically stole the whole show for me. The kids on the crew who changed all the sets around should get some special attention, too, because that stuff is harder to do than you think. Not that I was totally a theater geek in high school and have a special fondness in my heart for stage crew. No, sir.

(via Youtube)

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