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New Mexico Rehab Clinic Will Offer Free Treatment To Addicts Who Watch Breaking Bad

And nobody has to watch anybody else choke to death in their own puke!


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If you’re a fan of Breaking Bad who identifies strongly with the frequent depictions of drug use because you just so happen to be an addict yourself, then you’re in luck! Well, not really, but you might get the chance to enroll in rehab for free if the Sage Neuroscience Center has anything to say about it.

The New Mexico clinic is partnering with to offer two slots in their fall Intensive Outpatient Program in honor of the show’s final season. How do you win this prestigious honor? Through a writing contest, because of course nothing makes a meth head want to straighten up and fly right like putting together a personal essay.

The competition guidelines are as follows:

Applicants may apply by submitting a personal story about addiction, to be compiled into a collection for addiction awareness aimed at reducing stigma and encouraging treatment. Applications will be screened by the IOP director and staff, awarding two 12-week scholarships to the winners. All applicants and winners will be kept anonymous for privacy reasons.

The deadline is September 22nd, which happens to be right before the series finale of Breaking Bad. Presumably they want to get all the applications in before the final episode makes us all lose our actual minds with grief.

(via Death and Taxes, image via Breaking Bad)

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