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Captain Awesome Update!

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Previously, Geekosystem reported on the former Douglas Allen Smith, Jr., who legally changed his name to Captain Awesome. While this went by without a hitch, apparently Facebook will not recognize the awesome name change. Most non-awesome!

While Mr. Awesome had no problem changing his name “with the state of Oregon, AT&T, all of his utility providers and even his newspaper delivery service,” Facebook apparently does not allow nonstandard names or titles in their name fields (not counting nicknames or middle names). He has taken up the issue with Facebook’s legal department, but it looks as if he hasn’t received a response.

On one hand, Mr. Awesome is stuck promoting his services as an “Extreme Ordained Minister” (which sounds awesome) using a name his own state will no longer recognize. On the other hand, considering Facebook’s security issues, at least this says something about their standards concerning fake or fraudulent profiles. (Though not those of dead people.) Is this like trying to replace your windshield-wiper fluid when your transmission is on the fritz? Should we be happy Facebook cares about something, anything, preventing abuse and spam, etc. or should we be mad that they’d stand in the way of something so… awesome?

(via AOL News.)

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