Everyone Keeps Using the Same Weak Passwords, Like “starwars,” “solo,” and “princess”
A few new crappy passwords have become more popular in use as of this year: “starwars,” “solo,” and “princess.” That last one, I assume, is because we’ve all been rewatching the original Star Wars trilogy and remembering how great Princess Leia is? But, really, “general” should be more popular. Or how about “organa”?
New on the list last year, but not in appearance this year: “batman,” a password that the Dark Knight would never be naive enough to use. Here’s the full list of this year’s popular terrible passwords via Engadget:
Rank | Password | Change from 2014 |
1 | 123456 | Unchanged |
2 | password | Unchanged |
3 | 12345678 | Up 1 |
4 | qwerty | Up 1 |
5 | 12345 | Down 2 |
6 | 123456789 | Unchanged |
7 | football | Up 3 |
8 | 1234 | Down 1 |
9 | 1234567 | Up 2 |
10 | baseball | Down 2 |
11 | welcome | New |
12 | 1234567890 | New |
13 | abc123 | Up 1 |
14 | 111111 | Up 1 |
15 | 1qaz2wsx | New |
16 | dragon | Down 7 |
17 | master | Up 2 |
18 | monkey | Down 6 |
19 | letmein | Down 6 |
20 | login | New |
21 | princess | New |
22 | qwertyuiop | New |
23 | solo | New |
24 | passw0rd | New |
25 | starwars | New |
The fun part is figuring out why “1qaz2wsx” is such an easy password! Try it out. And then don’t use it.
Really, though, if you’re not using “12345” or “password,” you’re ahead of the game as far as I’m concerned. Spelling “passw0rd” with a zero instead of the “o” is also apparently not as clever as you’d think it would be. Maybe try “P4ssw0rd” or “|>455\/\/0|2|)” or something?
Or just stick with Star Wars stuff … like “FN-2187”?
(via Engadget, image via Giphy)
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