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KFC Launches a Nail Polish (!) That’s Edible (?) And Tastes Like Chicken (!?!?!?)

KFC Makes Edible Nail Polish That Tastes Like Chicken (!?)

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KFC plans to launch a new line of nail polish, which is surprising because you wouldn’t expect a fast food company to get into the beauty biz. Except, uh, it’s edible nail polish, and it tastes like chicken. Way to be on the nose, KFC!

The campaign will appear as part of a marketing campaign in Hong Kong, but don’t think that Americans don’t like edible nail polish too. Although I’ve seen plenty of people making fun of this idea, let’s remember that the California-based company Kid Licks released a line of edible nail polish that tastes like vegetables. Carrots, beets, and barley grass, to be specific.

Which is worse: nail polish that tastes like chicken, or nail polish that tastes like vegetables? I think I’m voting for the chicken, if only because the video advertisement (above) is kinda cool. I like silver high-tops, I like listening to synthesizers and beat-boxing, and I like cool dances. I even like wearing orange! I have a tube of orange lipstick that looks surprisingly good on me. Except, uh, I still don’t actually want my nails to taste like chicken. Or barley grass.

I have plenty of flavored beauty products in my life, but all of them are flavored in the “sweet” category (fruits) rather than “savory” (chicken or veggies). If this nail polish were inspired by KFC’s desserts lineup, maybe I could get into it?

If sweet-tasting edible nail polish sounds like your thing, I found this tutorial on how to make nail polish out of honey. Sounds delicious and looks do-able! I don’t know that it would last very long, but uh … staying power doesn’t seem to be the point of edible beauty products.

(via NPR)

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Maddy Myers
Maddy Myers, journalist and arts critic, has written for the Boston Phoenix, Paste Magazine, MIT Technology Review, and tons more. She is a host on a videogame podcast called Isometric (, and she plays the keytar in a band called the Robot Knights (

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