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Christoph Waltz May Dance His Way Into the Muppets Sequel After All

Ask a Muppet

My heart broke a little bit when it was announced that Ty Burrell was replacing Christoph Waltz as one of the (human) leads of the next Muppet movie. The Hollywood Reporter noted at the time that Waltz’s schedule kept him from playing a large role in the movie, but luckily his schedule isn’t so packed that he won’t still be showing up in a cameo role.

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Says Waltz:

“It might not be a proper part, it might be one of these little what they call cameos… I was looking forward to meeting Miss Piggy. But they told me that dancing with Miss Piggy, for example, is almost impossible because she’s totally operated by puppeteers and dancing is, you have to dance with someone where there’s actually a real person inside. So let’s see who I dance with.”

So, there you have it. Christoph Waltz might be in the Muppets sequel, and he might be dancing with a Muppet.

It’s not much, but I’ll take it.

(via: Bleeding Cool)

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