The Trailer for Cloud Atlas is Vast, Visually Gorgeous
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff
This looks like it will be a very long, winding road of a film. The trailer itself is almost six minutes long; if that’s proportional to how much time they expect us to sit in our seats and watch the feature-length version then we sure hope it’s interesting. It certainly looks epic. Cloud Atlas, based on the novel by David Mitchell, is being adapted by Andy and Lana Wachowski, and directed by Tom Dykwer. From the trailer it appears to be science fiction meets historical fiction, with several separate but interweaving story lines and quite a lot of time-jumping. It also features the dulcet tones of American Treasure Tom Hanks, and that’s always had a remarkably comforting effect on us.
(via Wired)
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