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Comic Show Casting Round-Up: An Old Love Interest For The Flash, And A New Mentor For Daredevil

Cute news! And then less cute news!

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There’s certainly no shortage of comic book TV shows coming to your screens soon! We’ve got some casting news about who will be joining DC’s comic book white dude TV hero (oh wait, that’s all of them—sorry, on CW’s The Flash), plus a new addition to Netflix’s Daredevil.

The Flash, in true CW-adorably-cheeseball style, hasn’t been shying away from acknowledging the existence of the original Flash series from the ’90s. First, we’ve got TV’s original Barry Allen, John Wesley Shipp, who will be playing Barry’s father in the new show. Now, Barry’s ’90s love interest, Amanda Pays, will be joining the show in her original role: expert geneticist Dr. Tina McGee. In the new Flash, McGee will be “an employee of a rival company to STAR Labs.” Think they’ll have her hook up with Shipp? I would shipp that. I’m not sorry.

Over on Netflix, Marvel has announced that they’ve cast Scott Glenn as Daredevil’s mentor and martial arts instructor, Stick. Marvel’s Head of TV, Jeph Loeb, said that “Stick is one of the most important figures in Matt Murdock’s life and Scott Glenn embodies all the qualities of someone so integral to this hero’s journey. There are few actors who could bring such the authenticity, gravitas and charisma to such a key role in Matt’s journey to become the super hero we call Daredevil.”

Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe it’s ever been explicitly stated in the comics that Stick is of Asian descent; that being said, I’m pretty sure he’s typically thought of and depicted as a Japanese character. Terence Stamp played Stick in 2005’s Elektra (which, despite my best efforts to forget about it, actually is a real movie that got made), and now Scott Glenn? Aside from Rosario Dawson in an unknown role, the Daredevil cast is ridiculously white—it would have been nice to see an actor of color cast as Stick. Bummer move, Marvel.

(via TV Line and Coming Soon, image via David Shankbone)

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Sam Maggs
Sam Maggs is a writer and televisioner, currently hailing from the Kingdom of the North (Toronto). Her first book, THE FANGIRL'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY will be out soon from Quirk Books. Sam’s parents saw Star Wars: A New Hope 24 times when it first came out, so none of this is really her fault.

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