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Conservatives Have a Ridiculous New Nickname for Biden After State of the Union Address

Joe Biden, flanked by VP Kamala Harris and Speaker Mike Johnson, delivers the State of the Union address.
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Conservatives simply cannot handle how strong President Joe Biden was during the State of the Union address. Biden’s energetic, forceful performance blew away criticisms of his age and outperformed all expectations.

Biden’s speech was even greater in comparison to the bizarre Republican response from Alabama Senator Katie Britt, whose delivery was part The Handmaid’s Tale and part Christian infomercial. Even conservative pundits couldn’t deny Biden’s home run. Fox News anchor and noted douchebag Sean Hannity has debuted a new nickname for Biden: “Jacked-Up Joe,” which we’re excited to see emblazoned on the next round of Biden merch.

“Jacked-Up Joe” has replaced “Sleepy Joe” as the new way to … attack the President? I wonder if Hannity thinks this nickname is actually negative. Hannity tried to spin Biden’s performance as too energetic, claiming that the speech was “so hyped up, it was bizarre.” Really? The GOP has been going on and on about Biden’s age and his ability to continue his presidency. But now “Sleepy Joe” is too hyped up? How does that make sense?

Hannity kept saying that this was such a departure for Biden. He wants to brainwash the American public into thinking that the real Biden is some old mumbling, bumbling old fool. And the media has done a horrible job of combating this narrative by doubling down on “Is Biden too old?” content. And it’s not without merit: Biden is 81, and if re-elected, would be the oldest sitting president in U.S. history. But despite this pervasive narrative, Biden has been more like the State of the Union Joe than “Sleepy Joe” throughout his storied career. I will say, though, that this speech seemed to show an even more fiery side. This was President Biden on his A-game as opposed to a new persona that should cause concern, as Hannity claimed.

Watching the speech live, I felt that Biden was, for example, extra inspired by the Republicans’ outburst. This was highlighted when MAGA fangirl Marjorie Taylor Greene kept shouting at him to “say their names” regarding people who were killed by undocumented immigrants. Eventually, Biden did hold up one of the buttons and mentioned a woman who was killed. He then turned to her family and spoke to them directly, offering his condolences. It was a moment that showed he wasn’t afraid to take on their criticisms directly while making the clowns look smaller and smaller. 

Besides sparring with Republicans, President Biden showed good energy by doing a crowd participation bit with his fellow Democrats. He was discussing his economic achievements and plans and he brought up taxes. “Do you really think corporations need another tax break?” he asked the chamber. The crowd shouted “NO!” These moments show that the President is ready for a political fight and is not going to back down. I think this scares Republicans and people like Hannity are doing mental gymnastics to try and come up with any nonsense that they can to distract from reality. 

People have taken notice. Some even think that the Democrats should run with the “Jacked-up Joe” moniker. One user on X posted a video of Biden lifting a dumbbell, with the caption “Can’t wait for the Jacked-Up Joe merch.” I agree!

(featured image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

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