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Learn How to Make Agent Coulson Coleslaw With Agent Coulson Himself [Video]

Coulson lives! And he's delicious!

Clark Gregg is possibly the most adorable member of the Avengers cast — and that’s saying a lot considering how attractive all the people in that movie are. Don’t believe us? Check out how funny he is in this episode of Cinema & Spice, a cutesy Yahoo Shine-sponsored show that focuses on healthy movie-inspired recipes. Hosts Julianna and Natasha teach him how to make mayonnaise-free coleslaw to put in their own shawarma sandwiches, and he makes a lot of Marvel-related puns and dorky faces while simultaneously promoting his new show, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. In other news, I want to be his best friend.

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A written form of the recipe can be found here, as well as the recipe for the chicken breast used in the sandwich.

(Yahoo via ShieldTV)

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