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Don’t Miss the Crescent Moon Crossing in Front of the Hyades Star Cluster This Thursday

Picture Sailor Moon's crescent.

hyades and pleiades

Thursday evening on April 3rd into the morning of April 4th, Americans will be able to get a front row seat and witness the waxing crescent shaped moon illuminate the night sky like the special gem it is. The crescent will be a lot brighter than usual so don’t forget to look out your windows; it will be a pretty sight.

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According to Universe Today, U.S and Canadians on the West Coast are at a well-situated spot to catch the moon pass right through the core of the Hyades. The Hyades is an open star cluster that is closest to our solar system and forms the V-shape in the Taurus constellation accompanied by the red giant star, Aldebaran. Following right after the the crossing will be a total lunar eclipse, scheduled two weeks from now on April 15th. Apparently, there are going to be a total of four lunar eclipses spanning from 2014 to 2015. Looks like we have a lot to look forward this month when it comes to space being amazing like always.

(via Universe Today, image via jpstanley)

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