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Czech Leader Sends Note to Greek President Over Jailed Game Developers

As some might recall, Greece tossed two Bohemia Interactive employees in jail back in September. The charge? Espionage, of course. The two were working on Arma 3 prior to their arrest, but they’ve denied that they were doing anything other than having a holiday at the time. Thanks to a legal strike in the country, the pair are still waiting to appear in front of a Greek court. In an appeal to Greek president Karolos Papoulias, Czech president Václav Klaus has asked that Papoulias pay “special attention” to the matter.

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Here’s the letter in full, translated by

This case is very sensitive to the Czech public and also to me as President of the Republic. The fate of our citizens anywhere in the world matters to us.

I have no doubt that the democratic Greek authorities – police, prosecutors and the courts – will consider this unfortunate matter impartially and independently. Even I do not in any way want to interfere with their work.

I want to ask you, Mr. President, to follow this unfortunate affair with special attention considering the excellent relations between our nations so this does not throw unnecessary shade onto our relationship.

Once again, I want to assure you that I have the utmost certainty that our accused citizens will be given all the rights in the search for justice by the Greek authorities.

In other words, Klaus is passive-aggressively suggesting that a negative outcome for the trial could result in a negative outcome for the relationship between the two countries. That said, it’s hard to say how much Greece is going to care about their relationship with the Czech Republic if they actually think the duo were involved in espionage.

(via Eurogamer)

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