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Darth Vader Plays Star Wars Songs On A Flame-Shooting Bagpipe While Riding a Unicycle [Video]

I... what? Okay.

Brian Kidd, AKA the Unipiper — called this because he plays bagpipes whle on a unicycle — has long been a cult figure in the wonderfully weird city of Portland. Now it appears that he’s stepping his game up for the geek crowd. What a time to be alive.

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This isn’t the first time the Unipiper has dressed up like Darth Vader in a kilt, of course. But the fire is what really makes it here. Fire makes everything more badass and awesome.

In his infinite wisdom the Unipiper has also seen fit to bless us with a GIF of his magnificent ride, and we are all the better for it. Bledd you, Unipiper. Bless you.

On a side note, whatever happened to that guy who used to put on a Boba Fett mask and play accordian in Washington Square Park sometimes? I miss him. I miss Rickshaw Spider-man, too. They should both come back, but with more fire.

(via Laughing Squid, video/GIF via The Unipiper)

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