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Diani & Devine Meet The Apocalypse Reaches Its Kickstarter Goal

Hooray! Death and destruction for everyone!

Diani and Devine

We’ve been keeping a close eye on Gabe Diani and Etta Devine’s latest Kickstarter efforts to back their feature length film, Diani & Devine Meet the Apocalypse, for the 30-day length of their campaign. Well, good news! Last night was the end of their 30 month fundraising effort, and they reached their goal of $100,000.

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Here’s what the team had to say in their latest Kickstarter update, which went out to backers at 2am EST last nightt:

What can we say but, “Thank you.” It’s been a long month and we had our doubts but you and [sic] were able to pull it off for us. Thank you for choosing to spend your entertainment dollars on our movie. We know there’s a lot out there to choose from and we are humbled and grateful that you chose us. We have more specific thank yous we want to get to and there will be more to say over the next year and change as we make this movie but for now just know that we’re overflowing with gratitude and sleepiness and joy. We can’t wait to make this movie with you

Along with an amazing drawing of Etta and their dog, Watson, as done by “Bee and Puppycat’s” Natasha Alliegri, they also uploaded this video of Watson eating some celebratory gingerbread. Man, Watson is the best.

Congratulations to Gabe, Etta, and the entire team who worked on this Kickstarter! We look forward to covering more of their efforts as they produce this film.

(via Kickstarter)

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