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Watching People Realize That ‘Dick Fight Island’ Is a Real Manga You Can Buy at the Bookstore Is My New Favorite Thing

Recommended read from your local Barnes & Noble!

Dick Fight Island

Last year, Dick Fight Island was Amazon’s #1 bestselling romance manga. Created by Reibun Ike, the story focuses on an island where men get all hot and bothered while fighting in a tournament to decide who the next king will be. Participants fight to see who will orgasm first, leading to extremely sexual situations as these men protect their (ahems) with elaborate armor. The final volume of the series has been released (and I need to grab it as soon as I get the chance), but with a title like Dick Fight Island folks didn’t expect to see it sitting out at their local Barnes & Noble, let alone with a written recommendation for it.

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The people know what they want

Dick Fight Island feels like a manga you either get at a booth that sells questionable paddles at an anime convention, or you order it online and receive it in a nondescript, brown paper bag. As a longtime appreciator of plastic-wrapped manga with two men in suggestive positions, I was surprised to discover that this series is not only available at the bookstore, but it’s front-facing on the shelf with employees encouraging folks to buy it!

What a time to be alive!

Of course, it’s not all dick fights being featured at the bookstore, but that certainly is what was trending because, well, it’s called Dick Fight Island. But from the picture above, we can see that there’s an entire shelf of queer manga that ranges from “I can’t believe this in your face smut is actually at the bookstore” to more story-driven titles like Given, How Do We Relationship, Princess Jellyfish, hell, Massive is a manga anthology created by gay men that features interviews, essays, and illustrations, while My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness is a deeply personal autobiography. The options for queer manga have grown significantly over the years. The fact that there’s so much variety on the shelf is pretty amazing.

The Dick Fight Island manga is pretty great, actually

When I wrote about Dick Fight Island before, I applauded it for knowing exactly what it is. It’s called Dick Fight Island, and I honestly got MORE than what I expected. That’s because the entire island takes this tournament seriously. No one is treating this premise like an oddity save for the main character’s love interest (since he’s not from the island), but overall, the tournament gets treated like a legitimate tournament.

I also gave major kudos for having different sexy scenarios for each fight and characters who used tactics that fit with their personalities. I actually did get invested in characters who came to the fight to prove things like “I’m more than just a pretty face” and even the main character trying to find a balance between the customs of his island home and the new love of his life trying to make sense of it all.

Is the manga ridiculous? Yes. Is it also an interesting read that treats this premise like an actual, ongoing tradition that should be respected, with characters with goals and relationships you end up rooting for? Also yes. Seriously, if you want a smutty manga that’ll make you laugh and keep you engaged the entire time, Dick Fight Island is a must.

Don’t believe me? Then trust the advice of that Barnes & Noble employee!

“The absolute peak of storytelling. It is a spellbinding tale of warriors battling for supremacy with their girthy sabers. The art is beautiful enough to leave a man screaming in ectasy. 11/10 would ride the Dick Fight again.

Squidward approved!”

(Image: Reibun Ike)

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Briana Lawrence
Briana (she/her - bisexual) is trying her best to cosplay as a responsible adult. Her writing tends to focus on the importance of representation, whether it’s through her multiple book series or the pieces she writes. After de-transforming from her magical girl state, she indulges in an ever-growing pile of manga, marathons too much anime, and dedicates an embarrassing amount of time to her Animal Crossing pumpkin patch (it's Halloween forever, deal with it Nook)

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