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[Updated] Details On the Doctor Who Season 8 Theatrical Release

"We've time travelled, yes?"

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Can you not wait for Peter Capaldi as the Doctor? Can you reeeeeally not wait? Will an extra 18 hours of Capaldilessness be the difference between life and death? Then I have some good news: The season eight premiere is coming to movie theaters, and it’s coming before it premieres on BBC America, at least in an extremely limited number of cities. The rest of us schmucks will have to wait until a few days later to see Capaldi’s eyebrows in all their big-screen glory. Worth it.

[Update: We got a correction from BBC America explaining the theatrical screening is actually on midnight on the 24th, making it four hours after the TV premiere.]

At midnight on August 23rd, BBC America and Fathom Events are partnering to bring season eight premiere “Deep Breath” to 12 cities across the US, complete with “15 minutes of cinema exclusive bonus content.” At 8 EST that night the episode will premiere on BBC America, to be preceded by a Chris Hardwick-hosted pre-show. Then, on Monday, August 25th, 550 theaters around the country will be screening the episode twice, at 7 and 9:30pm. You can already buy those tickets on the official Fathom Events website, while the 12 cities getting the midnight screenings won’t be announced until August 5th.

In addition to the theatrical goodness, BBC America is loading up on specials before the premiere, namely Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion (8/16, 9pm EST), The Real History of Science Fiction: Time (8/16, 10pm EST), and Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord (8/18, 10pm EST). Starting August 6th, the BBC America website will poll Whovians on their favorite episodes, with the top vote-getters making up a marathon on Sunday, August 24th. I’m expecting all the votes for “Love & Monsters,” you guys.

But enough about boring logistics—what can we expect when season 8 premieres? We already know that there’ll be no flirting between the Doctor and Clara because Peter Capaldi flipping said so, but according to to interviews in Sci-Fi Now, the relationship between the two of them will actually be somewhat confrontational, at least at first. “I think she finds it very difficult to deal with him,” Capaldi explains. “He doesn’t really do much to change himself in order to make himself palatable for her, so she struggles a great deal to understand him and find a way to like him. He’s not a walk in the park.”

“With [Matt Smith’s] Doctor, [Clara] was always quite safe with him,” adds Jenna Coleman. “She knows that he would catch her, whereas this guy, she isn’t quite sure if he will or not, and he doesn’t quite know himself yet either… The new Doctor is unapologetic and a lot less patient. He’ll get the same job done, but he won’t beat around the bush at all; he’s straight to the point, he’s direct, he hasn’t got the patience of a human. He’s a lot fiercer, bolder, darker, but he’s got this curiosity, this mad curiosity… He’ll keep pushing the line further and further into danger to try and satisfy his curiosity, to try and find things out.”

No. I can’t get into Doctor Who again. Everyone! Stop making Capaldi’s Doctor sound so appealing! He’s already played by Peter Capaldi and doesn’t care for romance, and now this “He’s kind of a cranky asshole” bullshit? It’s like you’re looking into my brain and giving me exactly what I’ve always wanted. I’ve been burned before. Don’t do this to me.

And finally, we have some pics from the season 8 premiere. Capaldi, stahhhhhp.

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(via Doctor Who TV)

Previously in Doctor Who, Series Season 8

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