Doctor Who Timeline Lays out Every Companion, Doctor, and Adversary; Still Clearer Than Last Season’s Timeline
The World Doesn't End Because the Doctor Dances
Dec 23rd, 2011, 2:47 pm
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There’s just something about the chronology of the Doctor and River Song that I can’t wrap my head around. I know, I know they’re experiencing their romance in the wrong order relative to each other, I know that in theory, but every episode I stare at River and go: wait… so what does she know at this point? Can she remember..? But? Dammit, I need an infographic.
This is not that infographic, but it is probably useful for some other people. For example: you dislike the Daleks now? Well, at least you weren’t watching during the first Doctor’s tenure.
(via Geeks are Sexy.)
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