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Sen. Rand Paul Again Destroyed by Dr. Fauci’s Testimony and It’s What He Deserves

I said what I said.

Dr. Fauci responds ot accusations by Sen. Rand Paul at COVID-19 committee meeting.

You know it’s a good day when Dr. Anthony Fauci destroys Sen. Rand Paul on live television. The latter has been peddling this false narrative—no, the Senator has been straight-up lying as a means of getting the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to admit that they played a crucial role in the development of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, which they haven’t done at all.

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Dr. Fauci, who is the White House chief medical advisor and the director of NIH, was testifying before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. And in discussing the origins of COVID-19, Paul showed all of us his hand and how he knows basically nothing about virology, by doubling down on a conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was a result of gain-of-function research.

According to The Hill, Paul said, “the NIH funded illegal gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology” that supposedly, in turn, created a dangerous and transmissible virus with the capability of infecting humans. This isn’t the first time that Paul has made this accusation, and it won’t be the last if we know anything about Paul and his insistence that there is some big conspiracy when it comes to COVID-19.

And on Tuesday, Paul took it a step too far, making Fauci snap in a way I’ve never seen him do before. Honestly, Fauci looked a bit angry, which isn’t a bad thing considering the circumstances. Give me a chance here to explain. According to News Medical, “Gain-of-function research refers to the serial passaging of microorganisms to increase their transmissibility, virulence, immunogenicity, and host tropism by applying selective pressure to a culture.”

So Paul is basically going around telling people that the CODID-19 virus originated in Wuhan, China as a result of the funding that the NIH had given a lab there and that the lives lost around the world are on Fauci’s shoulders. Who wouldn’t get mad at something like that and come at Paul just as hard as he was coming down on Fauci? I know I would, and don’t know anyone that could keep a poker face when confronted by such accusations.

Personally, I feel like Paul didn’t think that Fauci would defend himself, and if he did, he would show the world how unfit he is for leading the NIH. But instead, all I’ve seen is people stanning Fauci and his responses like when he said, “I’ve never lied before Congress & I don’t retract that statement…you don’t know what you’re doing.” That was followed up with, “I totally resent the lie that you are now propagating … you are implying that what we did was responsible for the deaths of individuals. I totally resent that, and if anybody is lying here, senator, it is you.”

It only gets better from there on out. Fauci made it abundantly clear that if there’s anyone that’s been lying here it’s Paul by leaps and bounds, and that, “This is a pattern that Sen. Paul has been doing now at multiple hearings, based on no reality.” You can’t survive that. Pack up your bags, Paul, and go and hide away in the forest because you were absolutely destroyed by Fauci.

And I’m not the only one who thinks that Sen. Rand Paul was absolutely demolished by Dr. Fauci.

(image: J. Scott Applewhite-Pool/Getty)

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Lyra Hale
Lyra (She/Her) is a queer Latinx writer who stans badass women in movies, TV shows, and books. She loves crafting, tostones, and speculating all over queer media. And when not writing she's scrolling through TikTok or rebuilding her book collection.

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