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Edgar Wright Has Left Ant-Man Over Creative Differences With Marvel

My desire to see this movie is now about the size of an ant.

ant man

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Remember how everybody thought that an Ant-Man movie sounded kinda dumb riiiight up until they learned that Edgar Wright would be directing it? Yeah, about that. You might wanna be sitting down for this: Wright, who’s been associated with the project since as early as 2006, has stepped down from his role as director.

Here’s the full statement from Marvel Entertainment:

Marvel and Edgar Wright jointly announced today that the studio and director have parted ways on ANT-MAN due to differences in their vision of the film. The decision to move on is amicable and does not impact the release date on July 17, 2015. A new director will be announced shortly.

If you’ll excuse us, we’ll be crying into our Cornettos over here.

(via Deadline and The Mary Sue)

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