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Elaine Stritch Just Said the F Word on The Today Show Because She’s Our Heroine

We mean like "lady hero." We don't want to inject her and listen to jazz music.

89-year-old actor Elaine Stritch is a national treasure who does not give a flying frak about the FCC. To prove it (not that she needed to), she went on The Today Show this morning to plug her upcoming documentary, Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me, and definitely incurred some kind of fine in the process.

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To be fair, it was on the fourth hour of the show, which is hosted by Hota Kotb and Kathie Lee and is particularly noteworthy for being a bonkers no-man’s land of ridiculosity (notice in the above Vine how Elaine Stritch literally has her sneakers in Kathie Lee’s lap). But they tend to keep themselves from cursing live on national television, since that tends to get people into a lot of trouble. Not that Elaine cares, of course. Elains is the honey badger personified, right down to her insanely luxurious fur-covered head.

Of course, not everyone on Twitter is happy about this turn of events.

But those people have no fucking sense of humor.

Apparently Stritch then finished out the interview by loudly proclaiming, “I’m not letting you have the last word on this morning show!” and proceeding to talk over Hoda and Kathie Lee as the segment faded out. Never change, Elaine.

(via Matt Binder on Twitter)

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