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Elizabeth Warren, Running for Senate in Massachusetts, Is a Wonder Woman Fan

Great Hera!

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Elizabeth Warren, Harvard professor, consumer advocate, and former chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel, is running for Senate and that means that people are asking her questions. Questions that need to be answered! How will you stand up to Wall Street if you make it to the Senate? What is your stance on women in the military? If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Wait, what? No, really — someone asked her that in her first primary debate last night. And if you read the headline, then yes, she chose Wonder Woman. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren is a fan of Wonder Woman. We will not argue with this, we will just let you in on exactly what she said.

We won’t know for another year or so whether Warren will be the nominee — she is one of six vying for the Democratic nomination — but the fight is on, and Warren is an early favorite to oust Republican Scott Brown in 2012. She recently made headlines when a video of her pointing out the myth of “class warfare” went viral. And while she received plenty of questions about how she’d handle the economy and how she’d vote should she receive the nomination and go on to win, one (unidentified) questioner asked Warren: “What superhero would you be, and why?” Her answer? Wonder Woman.

“Such a cool outfit, and the bracelets — they were the whole thing for me.”

Other notable quotes from Warren included her stance on woman in combat positions in the military:

“Frankly, I think women are just as tough as men,” she said.

The other candidates are as follows: Bob Massie, entrepreneur and past candidate for lieutenant governor, Alan Khazei, co-founder of the City Year youth program, state legislator Tom Conroy, immigration lawyer Marisa DeFranco, and Herb Robinson, an engineer. It has been reported, however, that Warren is in a statistical dead heat with Sen. Brown, who was elected in a special election upset last January, filling the seat vacated by the late Ted Kennedy.

(WXEL Public Television via The Beat)

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