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Episode VII Has A Completed Script, Will Begin Filming in May 2014

Oh god that's... that's like five months from now!

Welp, J.J. Abrams has confirmed it — they’re officially done with the Star Wars: Episode VII. It’s starting to occur to us that this is actually happening and isn’t some elaborate trick being pulled on us by a whole bunch of movie producers. Oh god. Oh god, we’re getting more Star Wars. Someone hold us.

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Abrams talked about the script for Episode VII while promoting his upcoming show Believe on the Television Critics Association’s press tour Sunday, Entertainment Weekly reports.  “We’re working really hard and we’ve got our script and we’re in deep prep,” he said. “Full steam ahead.”

When asked whether or not he would be filming on IMAX, Abrams maintained that they would shoot his Star Wars film on… well, film. “The problem with IMAX is it’s a very loud camera. It’s a very unreliable camera,” he said. “Only so much film can be in the camera. You can’t really do intimate scenes with it. It’s slow, they break down often.”

Star Trek Into Darkness was shot digitally on IMAX and while it was very gorgeous on the big screen, the one-on-one scenes definitely suffered on re-watch for me. So it’s good that Abrams has seen the light there, considering that he once called it “his favorite medium” back in 2011. Plus, two of the Star Wars prequels were filmed digitally as well, and look how that turned out. Not that we’re ragging on digital entirely, but it would be nice to see something that reminded us more of the original trilogy than of the prequels, that’s for sure.

Filming is officially planned for May of this year.

(via Laughing Squid and Entertainment Weekly)

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