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Ernie Hudson On An All-Female Ghostbusters: “I Don’t Think the Fans Want to See That”

Oh noooooooo.

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Ernie, Ernie, Ernie. What happened? You get hit with some psychomagnotheric slime or somethin’?

In a recent interview with the Telegraph, Winston Zeddemore himself spoke about the recently announced direction that the new Ghostbusters will be going in—full reboot with a female cast, with possible cameos but otherwise minimal involvement from the original team—and didn’t have particularly enlightened things to say about the prospect. Sigh.

From The Telegraph:

“I heard it was going to be a total reboot, and that it would have nothing to do with the other two movies,” he said. “If it has nothing to do with the other two movies, and it’s all female, then why are you calling it Ghostbusters?

“I love females. I hope that if they go that way at least they’ll be funny, and if they’re not funny at least hopefully it’ll be sexy. I love the idea of including women, I think that’s great.

“But all-female I think would be a bad idea. I don’t think the fans want to see that.

“Maybe it will come out and be the most amazing thing, but in my opinion I think it would be wrong to do another movie that didn’t include the guys. And that didn’t include me!”

He also notes that no one has yet asked him to participate in those aforementioned cameos yet—or even filled him in on the Ghostbusters reboot news at all, despite the fact that the development train’s been chugging along for years now. “Maybe they just assume. ‘Oh, we know we can get Ernie’ – which is sadly true! I’m not the most difficult one to get.”

Well, I can think of one reason why they won’t want you on board now, I guess. At least we always have Bill Murray’s blessing, right?


Previously in Ghostbusters

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