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Facebook Creates “Couples Pages” For Its Paired-Up Users and There Ain’t Nothin’ You Can Do About It

Meddling Kids

Are you in a relationship? Does Facebook know about it? If so, you and your significant other now have your very own couples page!

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Er… just what you’ve always wanted?

Facebook’s couples pages feature pictures in which both parties have been tagged, status updates in which one person mentions the other, a list of mutual friends and interests, and more. And the feature isn’t something you opt into. If you’re listed as “In a relationship” with someone, the page was created for you automatically.

Wanna see if you have your very own unasked-for Facebook page? Go to I’ll wait.

It seems like every time I turn around Facebook is doing something else to screw with users’ privacy. I understand that the site has to do new things to keep itself indispensable amidst the wealth of other social networking options out there, but… is continually ticking off its users with these privacy controversies really the way to go? How is the couple’s page even a desirable feature in the first place? Why wouldn’t Facebook make it something you can opt out of, or at the very least send affected users a message to let them know it’s being created for them?

For me these are mostly irrelevant questions, as I’m not in a relationship and have no plans to put it on Facebook if that changes. But have fun with your shiny new (unwanted) Facebook pages, couples! We singles will just have to stick with having our privacy violated by FB in the normal ways.

(via: The Telegraph)

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