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Fan Sues Apple Over Charging Separately For Both Halves Of Breaking Bad‘s Fifth Season

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AMC’s recent trend of splitting up the seasons of their shows into two distinct sections has its fair share of detractors (like those of us who would just like to recap all the dumb zombie shenanigans in one go… cough). But surprisingly it’s Apple, who packaged the two halves into separate season passes on iTunes and are now facing lawsuits from customers, who’s feeling the burn this time around. It’s okay, guys, I know a good lawyer for this.

After AMC announced that Breaking Bad‘s fifth season would be its last, Apple immediately began to advertise a $21.99 “season pass,” where users would be able to pre-order the season through iTunes and have each episode ready to download as soon as it became available on the site. But when AMC later announced the decision to split up season five, airing the two halves a year apart and effectively making two seasons out of it, Apple decided to charge all its season pass users an extra $22.99 for the last eight episodes.

Naturally a lot of people were very put out by this, and after some backlash Apple apologized and sent store credit to customers who purchased the second season pass. But that wasn’t good enough for Ohio’s Dr. Noam Lazebnik, who doesn’t want to have to buy the second pass even with store credit, because he thought he was supposed to be getting all 16 episodes to begin with. So he’s filing a class-action lawsuit against Apple’s advertising practices, under California’s Unfair Competition Law. You know, like you do.

It’s not clear whether or not the case will actually go to trial yet, but Apple has already begun to claim that they never explicitly stated the first “Season 5” pass would be good for all 16 episodes and has partially blamed AMC for the confusion. In the meantime, Dr. Lazebnik, if you’re really that particular with where you choose to spend your income, then might I suggest a more high-earning line of work. I got just the thing for you. Worked real well for this chemistry teacher buddy of mine. Also, you haven’t seen the end of the series yet, have you? Just curious.

(via The Hollywood Report)

Previously in Breaking Bad

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