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Everybody Relax, That Shitty Fantastic Four Origin Story Rumor Is 100% Fake

Thank God.

Arrested Development Fantastic Four2

[Update 9:36am, 2/5/2014] Hilariously, we (like so many other websites, it appears) received a letter from Fox’s legal department today, telling us to remove the synopsis on the grounds that it is “violating Fox’s rights in the copyrights to the screenplay of the Fox Property.” We’re still reasonably sure that the rumored story is fake for other reasons, which we’ll most likely write about in full later. Until then, make from Fox’s request what you will.

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Even people who aren’t rabid comic book fans know the origin story of the Fantastic Four. It’s four people who go into space, get hit by radiation, and develop crazy nonsense powers. Easy, right? Wrong, according to rumors that Fox is forgoing the classic narrative for something…. “younger.” Luckily, those rumors are totally fake.

The story first came from a post on a casting website called, which also happened to have the “young Bruce Wayne will be in Fox’s Gotham TV series” news before Warner Brothers announced it. We’re starting to think that might have been a lucky guess, though, because the updated origin story they suggested for The Fantastic Four sounds just… stupid.

[Redacted so we don’t get sued by big dumb scary Fox layers]

Jesus. I don’t think you could write something that sounds less like the Fantastic Four if you actually tried. [more redactions  continuing to redact please no suing thanks]? It all definitely sounded fishy.

But it’s okay, because director Josh Trank has already set the record straight.

To be honest, we were hoping  that part of the rumor was true: that Michael B. Jordan has already been cast as Johnny Storm. We’re very big fans of that idea here. Let’s just hope that if it happens, he’s not saddled with an interpretation of the character that’s as awful as the one described above — not that such a thing could even be possible. Blugh.

(via Newsarama, image via Arrested Deveopment)

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