#FavWomanFilmmaker Promotes Visibility of Films by Women
Alexandra Hidalgo, filmmaker and editor-in-chief of feminist website agnès films is running the #FavWomanFilmmaker campaign from Monday to Thursday this week, to celebrate and promote women filmmakers. She, along with students from Michigan State University, will release a video for each day of the campaign. Each video will introduce various women filmmakers and encourage others to share the works and names of their own favorites.
The first video already mentions Ava DuVernay, Jodie Foster, Maya Deren, Jennifer Lee, and lots of other awesome women. On Indiewire, Hidalgo says she hopes that the videos will encourage not only celebration but also dialogue:
Our hope is that when people watch the videos, they will either think of all the women filmmakers they love or wonder why they don’t have a favorite woman filmmaker. The campaign wants to get the latter thinking about who is making the work they consume and how those people are shaping what they see onscreen.
The ultimate goal of the campaign, she says, is to draw attention to “the current situation of women in film.” At the end of the campaign, it should be obvious that “it isn’t that there are no women filmmakers out there” but rather that the male-centered industry doesn’t give their work “the attention it so desperately deserves.”
To learn more about the work #FavWomanFilmmaker is doing and to see how you can participate check out their website! Who are your favorite female filmmakers?
(via Indiewire)
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