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Kevin Feige Is Reading Your Captain Marvel Fancastings, Doesn’t Always Agree

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At an event in L.A. last night celebrating Age of Ultron‘s DVD release, newly promoted Marvel Grand Poo-Bah Kevin Feige revealed the studio is “not that close” to casting Carol Danvers, and that “there won’t be any announcements about that this year.” He went on to explain,

I think right now we’re scripting the film, figuring out who we want Carol Danvers to be, and really what the structure of the movie will be and what her part will be in some of our other Phase 3 films. And it would be next year that we start to really think about casting.

Marvel producer Jeremy Latcham added, “We have really amazing writers on the movie. Meg [LeFauve] and Nicole [Perlman] are great, and I think getting the character right first is going to lead the charge. We want to make sure we know who it is before we can start figuring out who should play it.”

Latcham and Feige also spoke about the way fan hype might influences their casting decisions:

Latcham: For me, we always have a clear sense of who we want to cast and who we’re interested in. We have amazing casting directors — Sarah Finn, who’s been with us since ’Iron Man’ — but at the same time, when a fan list comes out…

Feige: We look at it!

Latcham: We read it, we go through it, we read the comments, we look at who people like. Sometimes it’s really enlightening. Sometimes it’s the exact same person that they’ve been saying over and over again that we don’t think is right. It’s always fun to kinda go through it and see what people are up to.

Who do Latcham and Feige think isn’t right? Regardless, I’m just going to leave this here.

(via MTV)

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