Mass Produce This Please: FemShep Barbie
Almost Totally Excellent
Jun 24th, 2012, 6:01 pm
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The only thing better than this FemShep Barbie, crafted by IntrovertedWife, would be some sort of system by which one could submit the alphanumeric score that represents their Shepard’s appearance, and receive a corresponding representation of them, doll, poster, or otherwise.
But for now, checking out IntrovertedWife’s process will have to do.
First, some clay, molded by dentist tools and baked.
Then several coats of paint,
An expertly sewn jumpsuit (and a quick haircut),
and you’ve got yourself a default FemShep doll.
All ready for the Extended Cut this week! You can see even more photos at IntrovertedWife.
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