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Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Cast Themselves As Vader’s Moms In Episode VII

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Poehler: [Darth Vader] has two horrible mothers. We know a lot of father stuff with Star Wars, and not a lot of mother stuff. We play these really naggy mothers of Darth Vader.
Fey: [In an elderly New Yorker accent] “Darth, eat! Why don’t you eat?” That kind of stuff.
Poehler: “You’re never gonna find a girl when you go out looking like that!”
Fey: Making him practice his Jedi stuff for hours.
Poehler: Hitting on all his Jedi friends inappropriately. I feel like the theme of the next
Star Wars is going to be: How does a working mother juggle it all? I’m looking forward to that. What I like about all these giant superhero movies is that they speak to the issues that I’m dealing with right now — working mother and time management and how to be an interesting, sexual, curious woman in your 40s. That’s the kind of stuff that I like to see on the screen, and that’s what I see with a lot of the films out today.
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, speaking to Entertainment Weekly about who they’re totally, no joke, playing in Star Wars: Episode VII. That got incisive near the end.

By the way, J.J. Abrams would be up for it:

Says the director, “The exciting thing about having Amy and Tina play the Vader Moms, as we’re calling them, is that they bring to the film that pitch-perfect Star Wars energy fans are clamoring for.” As long as they’re allowed to do stuff besides be eye candy, J.J..

(EW via /Film)

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