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#FollowFriday: Night Vale (@NightValeRadio)

Geekosystem is not responsible for any foreboding feelings that following Night Vale might give you.

night vale

Gosh, is it Friday already? Time for another #FollowFriday, where we tell you who you should be following on Twitter. This week we’ve got the official Twitter account for the Welcome To Night Vale podcast, which is a treat to read all on its own.

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What It Is

By now you’ve probably heard of the podcast Welcome to Night Vale, which first rose to popularity over the summer of 2013 and is now one of the top rated podcasts on iTunes. If you haven’t, however, here’s a breakdown: the program can be best described as a fictional local radio news station for a desert community filled with weird supernatural events, eldritch horrors, and secret government-run conspiracies. The gimmick? These are just a part of every day life for the citizens of Night Vale, who blithely go about their days as if it weren’t weird that a giant omniscient glow cloud is threatening to destroy the town or that a five-headed dragon is running for mayor. It’s narrated in its entirety by Cecil, the host of the radio show, whose calm, sonorous voice makes the story of Night Vale all the more compelling.

While the podcast has a clear narrative, recurring characters, and featured appearances by guest actors and musical groups, the Twitter feed is much more loose in its narrative goals. Basically it uses every 140 characters allotted to tell a subversive, thought-provoking story, often by using commonly used phrases, tropes, and facts. Occasionally it’s incredibly funny. Sometimes it’s also very poignant.

Why You Should Follow

If you’re interested in dark humor and don’t mind occasionally being reminded of your own futile mortality, the Night Vale Twitter feed is definitely going to be your new favorite thing.

Seriously, you don’t actually have to listen to the show itself to enjoy its Twitter feed. In fact, I have many a friend who’s only gotten into the podcast after seeing how excellent the writing on the Twitter account can be. That’s because eventually you’re probably going to start wanting to listen to it, regardless — not only is the Twitter so good that you’re going to want more, but they also take the time to advertise new episodes and upcoming live events, so you’ll probably just want to know what all the fuss is about.

But anyway, we’re not here to recommend podcasts — we’re here to recommend Twitter feeds! And trust us, this one is excellent. Fans of Twin Peaks, Stephen King, or Cabin In The Woods especially will probably be into Night Vale’s style.

Great Recent Tweets

(via Night Vale Podcast on Twitter)

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