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#FollowFriday: John Scalzi (@scalzi)

Unless you yourself are a redshirt, you will probably love this guy.


You know the drill. It’s Friday, so it’s also #FollowFriday, so we’re going to highlight a Twitter feed we like a bunch and suggest that you go follow it, too. This week, we have the feed for Redshirts-writing, Hugo award-winning, Regency-gown-wearing John Scalzi.

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Who he is

If Scalzi’s name sounds familiar to hardcore Geekosystem readers, it’s because we reported about a week ago that his loving tribute to Star Trek, entitled Redshirts, is heading for the small screen as a limited series on FX. Of course, it was probably already familiar to most of you guys, because Scalzi is a highly accomplished science fiction writer who was once the president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and who also contributed to the TV series Stargate Universe.

In addition to the 2013 Hugo award-winning Redshirts, he’s also written the Hugo nominated Old Man’s War series, won the 2008 “Best Fanwriter” Hugo Award for his blog, Whatever, . The Hugo Awards love him is my point here, so you should, too.

Also, he’s not afraid to rock his feminine side. For charity. And then defend that decision with the cunning use of feminism and logic.

Why you should follow

Scalzi is an incredibly social Twitter user — meaning he engages in a lot of great discussions with other users and often makes jokes with his friends. This can be especially fun for onlookers, especially people who’ve taken our past #FollowFriday advice and began following “Bad Astronomer ” Phil Plait, Gail Simone, or John Green. We’re sure we’ll end up picking other Twitter users from Scalzi’s exhaustive list of friends, too, because Nerd Twitter is a surprisingly tight community of pretty awesome people.

Aside from that, though, Scalzi is just a funny, all-around awesome guy. And really, what else could you ask for in somebody to follow on Twitter?

Great tweets

And, like us, Scalzi also got a lot of fun out the Rejected Candy Hearts trend.

(via @Scalzi)

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