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#FollowFriday: Waterstones on Oxford Street (@WstonesOxfordSt)

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It’s Follow Friday! Yes, again. A new one comes ’round every week, I’ll have you know. Come see what Twitter account we think you should be following this week: Waterstones on Oxford Street!

What It Is

Waterstones is sort of like the British equivalent of Barnes and Noble, which operates 288 different stores across the UK and Europe. Though they have an official twitter for the whole company, some locations also have their own account as well, including one very special Waterstones on Oxford Street in London.

Why you should follow

“But Victoria,” you’re probably saying to yourself. “I don’t live in the United Kingdom. I am nowhere near Oxford Street in London. Why should I care about what one specific location of a bookstore chain that I will most likely never visit?” Because for some mysterious and wonderful reason that science can’t get explain, Jonathan O’Brien, who runs the social media profiles for this pleasant little store, gets to do whatever the heck he wants.

As a result, the Waterstones Oxford Street Twitter feed is often hilarious, surreal, and incredibly relevant to whatever else is happening on the Internet. If you’re a fan of books, dry British humor, long-winded and oddly abstract stories told entirely in 140-character bursts, and Twitch Plays Pokémon references, then you need to be following this bookstore on Twitter.

Great recent tweets

And here’s one of those lengthy stories we told you about earlier:

Aw, that’s okay, Waterstones. You tried your best.

(via Waterstones Oxford Street on Twitter)

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