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Why Fox News Really Should Be Angry About Wonder Woman

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Nationalism, it’s just so cute and old fashioned, dontcha think?

Right.  So… Fox News is reporting about the Wonder Woman costume change, so that you can decide:

Wonder Woman may have finally been given a pair of pants, but has she been stripped of her patriotism?

The new and allegedly improved Wonder Woman (a.k.a Diana Prince), has been given a head-to-toe makeover by artist Jim Lee, replacing her signature American flag decorated briefs with skintight black pants and purging the super hero of all her trappings of Americana.

You can see our reporting on the new costume, right here.  Whether or not you decide anything from it is up to you.  We don’t want to pressure anyone.

In the interest of proper comics education, we’d like to let Fox News know that they could have much better reasons to call Wonder Woman un-Patriotic (by their own definition) if they spent the time to find out more about her than what you  get from watching the opening sequence from the Lynda Carter show.

  • She’s not American.  She’s from a small magical island utopia.  She probably counts as an illegal immigrant.
  • She’s from the worst kind of hippie commune: an all female hippie commune that preaches free love and sexual equality.
  • She’s a polytheist.  The Greek gods breathed life into a clay form, and thus Diana was born.  She regularly calls on the strength of Greek goddesses in battle.
  • She’s pro-gay rights. Ok, so I don’t know if this has ever been confirmed by a comic, but I defy anyone to come up with a compelling reason why she wouldn’t be.  The Amazons are a race of all female immortals from ancient Greece.  You cannot convince me that they would have a taboo about such things.
  • She’s pro-the UN.  Her mission, ultimately, is to be an ambassador, bringing the Amazonian way of life to Man’s World.
  • She’s a pacifist.
  • And, perhaps the thing that sets her at odds with Fox News most of all, she reveres the truth, no matter its content.

Yeah, I said it.

(via Bleeding Cool.)

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Susana Polo
Susana Polo thought she'd get her Creative Writing degree from Oberlin, work a crap job, and fake it until she made it into comics. Instead she stumbled into a great job: founding and running this very website (she's Editor at Large now, very fancy). She's spoken at events like Geek Girl Con, New York Comic Con, and Comic Book City Con, wants to get a Batwoman tattoo and write a graphic novel, and one of her canine teeth is in backwards.

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