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Furries Have Entered the Political Chat, and It Is Glorious

Furries shall join the K-Pop stans in political history.

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Four Seasons Total Landscaping, the sad, unintentional resting place of the Trump Campaign, is quickly becoming the DashCon of politics, a fact that hasn’t gone unnoticed by the Internet. Yes, there’s already a ball pit meme, along with a weekend’s worth of unadulterated joy after days of election stress. Honestly, it’s been the 2020 redemption arc we deserve, and now? It’s been immortalized in VR by an adorably crafty furry who’s somehow managed to be pettier than me in regards to our orange stain of a soon-to-be former president.

I’m so here for all of this.

Fursuiter/YouTuber Coppertom, inspired by a friend’s suggestion (whoever you are, you’re my hero now), set to work to recreate the true Trump press conference experience of 2020—a space that dares to ask the burning question, “How did it come to this?” Coopertom has perfectly captured the essence of what many of us have been feeling since we escaped last Tuesday.

Time to make VR world: 5 1/2 hours

Number of views on Twitter: over a million

Bringing joy to the Internet: priceless

The video Coppertom shared shows several furries gathering together and laughing in disbelief over how detailed the space is. I’m laughing with them. It’s incredible how similar it looks to the real site of the Trump campaign’s post-election press conference site, right down to the water hose on the brick wall. As one furry says in utter awe, “This is some Half-Life nonsense.”

This feels somewhat reminiscent of the sheer power we witnessed with the K-Pop community over the summer, back when they took to social media to flood cringey hashtags like #MAGA and #BlueLivesMatter. Scrolling the tags on Instagram, for example, led to fancams of K-Pop groups, gifs, and pictures, instead of the thin blue line that makes my ass itch. It reached a point where people would straight up ask if K-Pop Twitter could show up to flood distasteful tags. “BLACKPINK in your area” indeed.

This furry meetup reminds me of what happens when these communities unify. It’s not taking down any insidious hashtags this time around, but it is highlighting how absolutely relieved many folks are knowing that Trump (or “Dump,” as Coppertom changed it to later) is leaving soon. Like … it’s ok to laugh again, y’all. It’s ok to gather a bunch of furry pals and just … be.

An appropriate adjustment.

Coppertom’s video is a gem, especially to my convention-going heart. This is the kind of unpredictable, heartwarming chaos you get when you step into a hotel or convention center and lose yourself for a weekend. The convention scene is a place of comfort for many, and with them being gone for the past couple of months, I’ve missed that sense of community and freedom. For a weekend, a lot of us are unapologetically ourselves, and in this video, that’s the exact vibe I get. The fact that it’s in a replica of the ultimate political ball pit is just … *chef’s kiss.*

To continue the good community vibes, Coppertom shared another video thanking everyone and being blown away by the amount of love their VR space has gotten. No thanks necessary, Coppertom. Trust me, you brought a smile to this Black queer nerd girl’s face. If we ever run into each other at a convention (whenever they return), you’re getting the biggest hug from me.

(image: Coopertom)

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Briana Lawrence
Briana (she/her - bisexual) is trying her best to cosplay as a responsible adult. Her writing tends to focus on the importance of representation, whether it’s through her multiple book series or the pieces she writes. After de-transforming from her magical girl state, she indulges in an ever-growing pile of manga, marathons too much anime, and dedicates an embarrassing amount of time to her Animal Crossing pumpkin patch (it's Halloween forever, deal with it Nook)

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