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Which Game of Thrones Character Inspired Last Year’s Fastest-Rising Baby Name for Girls?

Winter Is Coming

Years from now the girls born in 2012 will enter into adulthood and start to properly take over the world. And more of them than ever before will be named…

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Arya. Good choice, babymakers. Daenerys is a little unwieldy for a five-year-old to spell.

Every year the Social Security Administration releases a list of popular baby names, and while between 2011 and 2012 the top ten stayed pretty much the same (Chloe fell from the female list, replaced by Elizabeth; for male names, Liam booted Daniel), the list of names growing in popularity contained a few geeky surprises.

As mentioned, Arya topped the female list, going from a ranking of 413 to 298. May all those baby Aryas have better lives than their Westerosi namesake. Other increasingly popular girl names are Logan (I’m just going to assume a lot of X-Men fans with a predilection for genderswapping had girls this year), Lucille (Arrested Development fans?), Charlie (she is an awesome Supernatural character), Athena (mythology nerds represent), and, my favorite, Kali, the Hindu goddess often associated with death, destruction, and empowerment. That last one went from the 495th most popular name to the 418th. Let’s keep that number rising, people.

On the male side, Rory and Bruce grew in popularity quite a bit, as did King (indecisive Game of Thrones fans…?) and Messiah (not touching that one with a ten foot pole). The name with the biggest jump, though, is Major. Wow, there must be far more fans of the 1995 Damon Wayans comedy Major Payne than I thought.

Or all these babies aren’t being named after fictional characters. How boring.

(via: Jezebel)

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