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Children’s Place Responds Terribly To Complaints Of Gamora-Less Guardians Shirt

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Hey, Children’s Place, you know what’s maybe not a good reason for leaving the only female character for a popular superhero movie off of the merchandise for that movie? This one you used right here.

The e-mail, which was sent to a Twitter user asking why Gamora doesn’t seem to get as much attention on the Guardians of the Galaxy, said the shirt in question “is a boy’s shirt, which is why it does not include the female character of Gamora. We try to have a diverse assortment but unfortunately cannot represent each movie and character.”

Right, because boys have literally no reason to care about female characters and the one woman is more “diverse” than the talking tree and raccoon.  Well, at least children are the future, we guess. 

(via @Kristenrapp on Twitter)

Previously in Girl Superhero Problems

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