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[Updated] The Geek’s Guide to Dating Advice: How Do I Meet Other Gay Women Geeks?

It's dangerous to go alone. Take this advice.

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[Update – November, 5] Initially, the article incorrectly listed Esther Zinn’s app and business as “SheGeek”. It is actually “SheSeek”. The error was editorial on my part, and not made by the article’s author Eric Smith. – Glen

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We’ve enlisted the help of author Eric Smith of The Geek’s Guide to Dating to write a weekly geek dating advice column. Our first question is a little out of Eric’s realm of expertise so he brought in Esther Zinn of SheSeek to help out. So, how can a geeky women find each other? Eric and Esther are here to help!

How do I meet other gay women who are geeks? I’m the only one I know!

Hey there Anonymous!

Since this particular question falls a little bit out of my realm of expertise, I’ve reached out to a friend to help me out with this one.

Geekosystem readers and anonymous dater, I’d like to introduce you to Esther Zinn, the founder and Editor-in-Chief of SheSeek. I met Esther where I’ve met a number of my geeky friends… at New York Comic Con. She was working as a freelance journalist for a number of different publications, actively seeking out fun, geek friendly stories for places like Go Magazine, and we bonded over our mutual love of zombies and comic books. At the end of 2012, she launched SheSeek, an app and online publication that helps LGBT women find out about parties, community events, and breaking news all over the country.

I asked Esther to chime in on this topic. Here’s what she had to say:

“One great way to meet lady geeks is to check out the LGBT panels at your nearest Comic Con or PAX event— many have at least one focused on queer fans or characters. Actually, GaymerX just started this year, which is basically PAX for the LGBT community; women come from thousands of miles away to check it out!

Another way is to check out— many cities have queer geek meetups or D&D gatherings just for the ladies. is a news and pop culture site that has a large community of queer lady geeks, and they occasionally host a speed-dating night at local bookstores that brings in a lot of good people.

In that same vein, it might be fun to take the search offline and check your local women’s bookstore for queer events— here in New York we have Bluestockings bookstore, which has book readings and open mics going on almost every night of the week (and there are many sexy librarian-types usually in attendance. I’ve even scored a few dates with geeky girls from there!) In Philly, there’s Giovanni’s Room, and in Chicago, there’s Women and Children First. My iPhone app, SheSeek, lists these resources when they’re available in major cities, so it could be a good place to start your search!”

So there you have it, Anonymous! Some great advice, from a wonderful expert. Be sure to check out SheSeek on Facebook and Twitter, and good luck with your search!

Have a geek dating question of your own? You can submit it anonymously through our tips form. Please include “Geek Dating Advice” in the subject so we can find it! And be sure to check out Eric’s book The Geek’s Guide to Dating available from Quirk Books on December 3rd!

(via The Geek’s Guide to Dating, image my own)

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