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It’s the Geekosystem Podcast, Episode 10: “The Geek’s Guide to Dating Eric Smith”

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This week, we talk about the three D’s: Drones, Diane in 7A, and Dating Advice from Eric Smith, author of Geek’s Guide To Dating. A pretty fun time is had by all, unless you’re Diane, because not only was that guy a jerk to you, but you also don’t exist.

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Take a listen to the show right here, OR FINALLY IN iTUNES FINALLY YAY!

We start things off with a rousing discussion of Amazon’s proposed drone program to deliver packages across the country. It’s probably a dumb idea, unless it works, in which case it will be awesome (or creepy, if you’re Victoria). We also talk about the little quadcopter drone toy that was sent to us, which we’ll get a chance to formally review sometime in the next couple of weeks if Glen can fix it.

The team also talked at length about Elan Gale’s now-infamous(ly fake) Diane in 7A livetweet extravaganza. Victoria brought up a blog article by Melissa Stetten that attributed the lack of suspicion regarding Elan’s story as another example of Internet sexism. Whether you believe that’s the case or not, you’ve got to admit that she was right about the story being fake.

For Editors Picks, Glen talked about Chuck, which you can watch on Netflix and which Glen argues is a better use of Adam Baldwin than Firefly. Feel free to challenge him in the comments, as long as you’re nice and don’t tell Glen that he should go die somewhere.

Here’s an old promo for the show from 2007, which should take us all back:

Victoria recommended the Bandai Tamashi Nations Sailor Moon action figure line, because deep down she’s still a six year old who thinks she’s going to grow up to be a reincarnated Moon Princess. Here’s a video by toy reviewer Vangelus that shows you just what the figures can do:

Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury have already been released on Amazon; Mars is up for pre-order and will be released some time in January, and the other two inner senshi, Jupiter and Venus, are currently in production.

Dan recommended the company Shout Factory, who not only facilitated the awesome MST3K streaming event this Thanksgiving, but who also just put Reboot on Netflix Instant Watch in the U.S. If you weren’t a fan of the show, then you’ll remember Reboot from that time we were all freaking out about the… erm, reboot of it on Episode 4 of the podcast.


Finally, Glen sat down and talked with writer Eric Smith about his book The Geek’s Guide To Dating, which was officially released today. You should also know Eric from his awesome dating advice column here at Geekosystem, as well as the various interviews and reviews he’s done over the past couple of months. And, of course, there’s also his adorable web series, too.

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