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Our Own Eric Smith’s Geek’s Guide to Dating Gets a Great Review on Bullseye!

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We haven’t exactly been shy about our love for our contributing writer Eric Smith’s Geek’s Guide to Dating or the NPR show Bullseye With Jesse Thorn, so imagine our surprise and delight yesterday when the book got a glowing recommendation on the show by Boing Boing’s Mark Frauenfelder. Listen to the segment right here.

Each week on Bullseye, host Jesse Thorn, or in this case guest host Jordan Morris, invites a culture critic or two to recommend something they like. This week, that critic was Frauenfelder who frequently fills this role on the show to recommend games, apps, and even pencils. He talked about our friend’s book, and it made us really happy. Here’s the clip so you can listen to it and get really happy too.

Eric’s book, The Geek’s Guide to Dating, is out on December 3rd, and we highly recommend it. We will also keep recommending Bullseye until everyone gives it a shot. It’s really something special. While we’re at it, Boing Boing’s pretty great too.

(via Bullseye With Jesse Thorn and The Geek’s Guide to Dating, image our own)

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Glen Tickle
Glen is a comedian, writer, husband, and father. He won his third-grade science fair and is a former preschool science teacher, which is a real job.

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