Get Down to Business And Work Off Your Buns With These Amazing Geeky Exercise Shirts
Why Not Do It With Some Style?
Sep 12th, 2013, 3:30 pm
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When I got up today I put on my exercise clothes, because if I don’t do that early on I know I’ll just stay on the sofa after work eating Ruffles and wasting my time on Tumblr. You know how it goes. And then these awesome geeky workout shirts by Etsy seller Activate Apparel popped up. It’s a sign. A sign that I need all the geeky workout shirts.
Because, honestly, would you rather have boring workout shirts or shirts with references to Mulan, The Lord of the Rings, Legally Blonde, Pokémon, The Hunger Games, and more on them? Yeah. That’s what I thought.
(Via Twitter)
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