Someone Stole Some Scripts From George R. R. Martin, and He’d Like Your Help in Returning Them
And Now For Something Completely Different
Fanpeople, citizens of the world, now is your chance. Be a hero. George R. R. Martin, author of A Song of Ice and Fire and screenwriter for the HBO adaptation, is asking for your help. He was expecting two scripts in the mail, to be signed and then donated to a charity auction, but they never came. He is alleging that they were taken by a postal worker looking for a five-finger discount and a way to cash in on the success of the series. Now, he wants your help to find the missing scripts and nab the perpetrator.
Here’s what Martin said on the matter:
The US post office delivered the envelope in a plastic baggie with a pre-printed note apologizing for the “damage.” But this was no error in handling. The envelope was torn open at one end, and both scripts were gone, though Dan’s letter remained.I am convinced the scripts were stolen.
Last year we donated a signed STAR TREK script to a charity auction and it brought $1200. These two scripts may not have gone for quite that much, but they would have brought home some significant bucks. Someone in the US Post Office (we believe the package made it across from Belfast relatively unscathed) recognized their value and removed them.
So… I am putting out the word to all my fans and readers. Whoever sold these scripts will presumably try to cash in at some point. So if any of you ever see scripts fitting this description turn up on ebay, one of its competitors, or on some dealer’s table — notify me at once, and report the stolen property to whatever local authorities are appropriate.
Here’s what was taken: two teleplays, final shooting scripts for episodes nine and ten of season one, “Baelor” and “Fire and Blood,” autographed by writers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and director Alan Taylor, printed on white paper.
Like Bloodraven, I have a thousand eyes and one. So let’s keep ’em all peeled, boys and girls.
Even if it wasn’t an employee of the postal service who is responsible for the missing scripts, chances are the scripts didn’t just fall out of their envelope. So keep an eye out, and if you’re accustomed to buying scripts from shows you love through places like eBay, be extra aware. George R. R. Martin will thank you for it.
(Boing Boing via Not a Blog)
(Photo via Zap2it)
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