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GlutenfreeSingles: The New Dating Site for People Who REALLY Hate Gluten

As they say, if he doesn't share your very specific dietary restrictions, it will never work.

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Exactly what it says on the tin: a dating site for people who don’t eat gluten. The reason doesn’t matter: celiac disease, a gluten intolerance, or a mere tendency to be swept up in bizarre health fads, you too can find the love of your life. Provided they’re also either cursed by celiac or masochistic enough to avoid beer, cake, and fries.

Glutenfreesingles was apparently started by two friends who “recognized the need for a gluten-free dating community that focused on singles with similar dietary needs.” I mean, there are dating sites intended only for people who love hot sauce, are sea captains, or enjoy mullets. Maybe it makes sense to not date anyone whose the least bit different from you in any way whatsoever, especially what they eat. Compared to the site that matches up normal, innocent people with convicted felons, it seems downright ordinary.

There are so many great things about this site– especially the blog. There, the site admits that “in many cases two partners can have a wonderful, loving and fulfilling relationship without the need for both partners to commit to a gluten-free lifestyle.” Thank you, Glutenfreesingles. I’ve always been really worried that if I date a boy who eats differently than I do, those differences might drive us to do something crazy– like eat different food and not be able to share all our meals. Now I know that we can make it, even if I survive on cookies and he actually eats things that naturally green.

They also have helpful tips for admitting to a date that you’re gluten free. Because I guess you’re worried about being judged, either for your unavoidable disease or your overly trendy eating habits. If you’re worried, Glutenfreesingles assures you: “Being gluten free doesn’t have to be an embarrassing confession.” Thanks, guys. Truly. For both the encouragement, and the world service.

(via Huffington Post, image via Glutenfreesingles)

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