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Google Wants to Launch Their Own Cellular Network, Compete With the Likes of AT&T

Now that Google‘s Android operating system has been gobbling up market share left and right, it’s only natural that the search giant would set their eyes on an even bigger prize. There is already speculation circulating around that perhaps Google isn’t satisfied with just having a major stake in smartphone operating systems. As far as rumors go, this is a big one, but it’s not hard to believe that Google has been in talks to launch their own cellular network. If they can pull off Google Fiber, they can certainly pull building a cellular network.

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According to the Wall Street Journal, Google has supposedly been in talks with Dish Network to launch a cellular network to compete directly with AT&T and their kin. These are early deliberations, and could amount to nothing, but Dish has confirmed that they’re looking at using their spectrum to launch a new cellular network. Either this is a confluence of events, or Google’s definitely trying to cobble something together.

It wouldn’t be the first time that Google’s made a sudden splash into a different industry. Their Android operating system is everywhere, thanks in large part to Samsung, and they’re competing directly with ISPs thanks to Google Fiber. Adding traditional cellular networks to the list of their competitors doesn’t seem all that far-fetched.

(The Wall Street Journal via BGR, reddit, image via Mark Guim)

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